
How can I download?

You can download it immediately from the order completion page. We will also email you the e-book file within 5 minutes.

Can you send me the actual book?

We will send you an ebook by email. No need to wait for delivery, you can download and practice anytime!

PDF file does not open

Try the method below :

* Mac

Right click on the Pdf file> Open with > Google Chrome or Safari


Right click on the Pdf file> Open with > Google Chrome

If the above method does not solve the problem, please send a screenshot or video to hello@brushday.net

We will be happy to help.


What is Brushday Membership?

BrushDay provides lectures and worksheet of various handwritings. Learn various handwritings with lectures and worksheets and make them your own!

What content is available?

There are English and Korean languages. You can learn calligraphy, cursive and gothic in English language.

Do I need to register to purchase membership?

After you input your email and payment information, you will be asked to register and set up your password.

When will the content be updated?

Content is updated weekly or monthly.

Are you sending the physical product?

We do not provide physical products. However, you don’t need to worry! We provide the links and directions on how to use the materials that the instructor uses.  

I can't access the courses

The reason you cannot access the course is because you have not created a membership account. Please sign up with the email address you entered when purchasing.